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Cyberware is actually a combination of cloning, genetic engineering, and cybernetic technology. Almost all cyberware incorporates some manner of non-organic material (however minor) hence this technology collectively gets lumped into cybernetics. Most advanced applications of cyberware also include gene therapy to suppress immune response to the foreign tissue and material that are part of the implant.
This entire process is costly however and governments that employ widespread use of this technology continually seek to lower costs. As such most recipients of this tech usually have it removed once they leave employment (commonly replacing lost limbs and tissue with cloned versions, but not always). Despite the advantages of cyberware, its use is not widespread. Various military branches are the most common users of cyberware and typically this is set aside only for elite service units such as special forces. Interestingly law enforcement and criminal groups are other professions which heavily rely on cyberware.
A popular alternative to cyberware are
amplification drugs. Many temporarily mimic the effects of cyberware. Military use of amplification drugs (or amp drugs) is rampant. Most soldiers are eager to gain an edge in combat engagements and willingly take whatever is offered. As the effects of amp drugs are temporary they are ideal for many combat forces as well as some civilian sectors where intense physical activity is needed for a short time. So some professions such as asteroid miners, law enforcement, scouts, or criminals also rely on heavy amp drug use.
The downside to long term use of amp drugs is the increasing likelihood of dependence, as well as long term physiological damage.
Pancrosynth is a synthetic alternative to amp drugs as well as most narcotics. It binds to a user’s receptors to ease withdrawal symptoms, however it does not produce any other physiological effect. Another feature is that the patient only needs a dose every three to four days.
The downside is that the patient is effectively maintaining their addiction using another chemical compound. Careful administration by a physician, slowly decreasing the dosage over a year can eventually free the user of any dependency for other drugs. Also if the patient relapses and begins to use amp drugs (or narcotics) again, this severely decreases the future effectiveness of Pancrosynth to act as an alternative.
Because military and criminal professions are common users of cyberware and amplification drugs, worlds with high law levels restrict the possession or limit general public interaction with individuals that use this technology. Even on some moderate law level worlds, individuals with cyberware could expect to be tagged with a tracking chip so that their movements and activities are monitored. And the possession of some combat amp drugs might mean a more intensive interrogation with starport custom authorities.
Amplification Drugs:
Amplification drugs, or amp drugs, mimic various bonuses available in cyberware. Amp drugs are 1/10th the listed cyberware price (except auto doc drugs which are 1/5th the cyberware price) and will last 40 to 60 min (30 + [10 x d3] min). After wearing off the user will need to make a -4 Vigor check. On a failure they suffer -1 fatigue which can only be countered with a -2 Medicine check or 2-3 days rest with low physical activity. Additionally if the player rolls a critical failure for their Vigor check, they risk becoming addicted and gain the Habit (Major) hindrance.
Cyberware options available as amp drugs are: adrenal surge, attribute increase, filters, skill chip (limited), and variants for combat specialty (limited). Limited variants of combat specialty amp drugs which are available provide either the Level Headed, Frenzy, Hard to Kill, or Dodge edge. For skill amp drugs, athletics, fighting, notice, and shooting are available.
Anti-Fatigue amp drugs (known as ‘Juice’ in military circles) are also available. These amp drugs are combinations of anti-radiation medicine, painkillers, and stimulants. Use of anti-fatigue amp drugs either remove or ignore one level of fatigue, and allow +2 vigor checks to ignore further additional fatigue checks. They cost 500 credits per dose and last for 10 hours, up to a maximum of 20 hours with multiple doses.
Pancrosynth is a synthetic alternative to amp drugs or narcotics. They allow the user to satisfy addictive cravings for drugs without providing any side effects. They are required to be administered by a physician for most planets but can found on the black market. Hence they cost between 25-75 credits a dose.
Pancrosynth can be taken every 3-4 days (twice a week) as an alternate to other habitual drugs. If a user takes a drug they are addicted to while taking Pancrosynth, they immediately make a -4 Vigor check. If they fail, Pancrosynth can no longer be used to alleviate addiction to the drug in question and the player must either keep using the addicted drug or eventually buy off the Habit hindrance with an advance.