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Bori was making another round of trials related to his criminal activity, petitioning the previous court rulings. Despite his earlier conviction, he paid a large bond and was granted some leniency avoiding incarceration until his case moved through different courts to a final hearing and long term sentencing. He was to remain in the system limiting his movement to only his residence. News programs had been reporting Trova was planning on producing a final witness that would corroborate his claims that records of his criminal activities and payments to local politicians were fabricated in order to cover up an industrial espionage operation on behest of Torgue megacorporation.
Days later probing the security system and the communication logs of the compound, Syn discovered that Trova was still able to peddle his criminal influence on local officials to look the other way for any ship travel to, and from, the compound. This was something that Bori took advantage of by hiring various bounty hunters to track down the Scalawag, including the nefarious Tannis Ortiz. The compound had a solid security network which Syn was unable to hijack remotely, however there was a vulnerability.
One of the communication towers could be hacked, provided a person could physically install a system breaker. Given the spire tower was 200 meters in the air on the property, and monitored using a thermal scanner, it was deemed unlikely anyone could break into the security system. Unfortunately Bori Trova failed to consider a gliding Yazarian.
Borrowing one of the scouts thermal suits (used for up close observation of xenofauna), Grog was able to clamber up the foliage of a nearby mountain that loomed over the compound that evening. A tense and daring gliding effort had her racing towards the tower. Able to barely grip the railing as she flew by, she was able to stop her descent with a tenuous foothold. Grog was then able to quickly install the breaker and after a stealthy glide out of the compound, scampered off into the night unseen.
Accessed into the system, Syn was able to observe and manipulate all security and communications of Bori Trova’s facility. It would likely take days to formulate an effective plan of action, allowing for sufficient observation and study of the security guards’ patterns and quirks. After several days of observation, her heart sank as she saw Roxi escorted into the compound and locked away in a comfortable wing of the building. Bori had finally landed on planet and any timeline for a breakout would likely have to be accelerated.
Syn was able to reach out to Roxie through a hidden communication feed using the room’s environmental controls. Syn had explained the various operation plans that Hadrian and Grog were considering to utilize in an assault against Bori. But Roxie replied with a single phrase, “Don’t.” Worried that any effort to break her out would result in more bloodshed and potentially her friends being hurt, Roxie decided to wait and look for a more opportune time to act.
After Roxie had arrived in the Blenavursai system, Bori Trova arranged to keep her as a comfortable prisoner at the remote residence. Her limited interactions with Tannis Ortiz were hostile quips and curt chats, as he openly goaded her into trying to escape, so that he could return her corpse to Trova. Bori however treated her well and, at worst, forced her to sit through boorish conversation. The criminal boss demanded Roxie testify at his hearing, and have her recount the role she had in infiltrating his home and stealing his property. He also wanted her to give a false statement that she fabricated documentation and records of his criminal finances and evidence of his blackmailing of politicians.
Roxie opted to testify at the trial and try another way of shifting the situation to her advantage. She told Bori her allegiance was to herself and not to her friends. Satisfied that Roxie would go along with his plan, Bori Made arrangements to have her produced as a witness.
Syn relayed Roxie’s message to the group. Hadrian in the meantime was able to secure several tranquilizer dart guns from the Yazarian scouts. These semi-automatic, heavy duty weapons would be ideal in providing a non-lethal option if an assault was made at the compound. As a backup plan, Hadrian drew up an operation where he and Grog could likely infiltrate the facility, assisted by Syn manipulating the security system, and extract Roxie if needed. However they waited before executing it, and instead attended the public trial of Bori Trova.
In the packed courtroom, Bori Trova called forth Roxie as a material witness. Roxie took the stand and began to timidly recount his prepared tale. However, ever the accomplished actor, she began give Bori fearful glances, and provided self-contradictory details in her testimony, which finally culminated in her breaking down and weeping.
Roxie said she was blackmailed to visit Bori, then held prisoner and threatened until she promised to acquiesce. She admitted that in their first meeting it was true she had spent an evening with him, and even that he dosed her with an illicit substance. She said that Trova later used that information to blackmail her, saying that he had pictures and videos of Roxie on drugs and engaging in acts that her loyal fanbase would disapprove of.
She said she didn’t know anything about forging documents. Openly weeping she said that she didn’t have the expertise that he claimed she had in that area. If someone forged the documents, she had never heard of, nor seen any evidence, supporting that. In fact, in their conversations leading up to this trial, she stated Bori had coerced her to lie and testify that she had forged the documents. She then proffered that clearly this would indicate that the documents are authentic. Roxie concluded her performance begging the judges to protect her.
The three panel judges were aghast at Roxie’s seemingly emotional response and torrent of bawling testimony, clearly she was fearful of Bori Trova and forced into becoming a compromised witness. Bori seethed (not fooled by Roxie’s acting performance) and shouted that she was making false statements. He screamed Roxie was a thieving criminal, a whore, and a junkie. The courtroom exploded with the judges and Trova shouting each other down. All of this was cut through a commanding voice stating one word, “Enough!”
Grand Dame Vera Allistar entered the courtroom and dictated to the judges as her noble title of the Imperium, the galactic governing body which Blenavursai had pledged allegiance to, she would speak as a character witness on behalf of Roxie Hart. The woman barely acknowledged the judges’ agreement and gracefully pulled Roxie aside, telling her to sit while she sorted out this entire sordid affair.
Taking the stand Grand Dame Allistar began to recount her first meeting Roxie and her fellow crewmates. She told the court they were responsible for finding her nephew and allowing him the opportunity to make right with the legal courts of the system, having faith that Imperium justice would be fair and reward the truth above all. It was their actions that allowed her nephew the opportunity to plead his case and obtain a final sentence recognizing his crimes were not directed by his own mind at the time.
Grand Dame Allistar then produced a document signed by several heads of state within the Imperium, that Roxie and the crew of the Scalawag had assisted a joint effort by the Imperium and the Federation to conduct a highly dangerous operation which was critical to the security of both governments. The details could not be provided and were classified. She leaned back and told the judges it should be sufficient to take her word on the character of Roxie, however she thought it prudent to produce another witness. Grand Dame Allistar then stood and gestured for another to enter the courtroom and take her place.
Captain Tina Dillon of the Federation Marines then took the stand. She expressed her gratitude to Roxie and her companions and recounted their rescue by the Scalawag on Syroma 6. The research facility had been overrun by hostile xeno-research creatures which escaped after the security systems were compromised. She also supported Grand Dame Allistar’s testimony that Roxie and her associates were involved in a special joint operation which she participated in, leading marines under her command. She implored the judges to reconsider any accusations made against Roxie, as clearly she and her friends had demonstrated bravery and a willingness to assist others in need.
The judges quietly deliberated among themselves, and unanimously declared the initial verdict against Bori Trova would stand. He would report the following week to prison and begin his decades long sentence. While Roxie was eager to greet and thank her past acquaintances, as well as return to her companions, Tannis Ortez slithered up against her and hissed for her to return with him and Trova. As Tannis placed his fist in Roxie’s hand, she recognized the rough outline of a detonator. Obviously the cunning bounty hunter was able to sneak explosives into the courtroom.
Everyone had puzzled faces when Roxie told them she would join them later, deciding to return to Trova’s residence to gather some belongings. However Syn, her long time partner for several covert operations, recognized the key phrases in her seemingly idle comments. Roxie was in danger. They needed to help her, but now was not the time.
Rushed out, pushed into a grav craft, Roxie sped off to Bori Trova’s residence. In the craft a jostle of turbulence gave Roxie the opportunity she had, she wrestled with Tannis for the detonator. His cyber-enhancements were no match for her however. A sharp crack in her face sent her reeling and with a bloodied lip, she made no attempts to escape afterwards, sitting sullen, seemingly to mollify her captors. However in the struggle she was able to confirm Tannis had an explosive vest of ceramic flechette particles. While it would do little structural damage, the antipersonnel effects would be horrendous.
As Bori and Roxie returned, the others went into action. They told Grand Dame Vera Allistar that Roxie was in danger. The Grand Dame said she would alert the authorities and have law enforcement arrive to escort Roxie out. Captain Dillan grabbed Grog and told her if they had a plan to get her out, it would be best to not wait. Hadrian offered his thoughts on an operation to extract her and the Federation Marine captain said they could count on her helping. The group with the assistance of the Federation scouts, deftly landed their DSS craft near Bori’s domicile in order to execute Hadrian’s plan.
Roxie and Bori, with Tannis in tow, landed at the facility. They entered a main room and immediately Bori seethed and flung himself into a rage at the outcome of the trial. Tannis sneered that Trova’s plan was a stupid one, and he demanded to be paid for his efforts bringing Roxie in. The two began a shouting match, clueless to the havoc going on around them.
Syn had hacked into the security feeds, silencing alarms and keeping active guards oblivious to the assault Hadrian, Grog, and Tina were conducting. Using a shaped charge, Hadrian blew a hole in the compound wall. With stealthy efficiency, they cleared out any resistance, leaving limp men, dosed with powerful sedatives. For good measure Syn triggered a false security signal, causing any straggling guards to cluster around an empty room, only to be suddenly flanked from behind by her crew mates firing silently. In less than a minute the compound was secure.
The group entered the room with Roxie, Bori, and Tannis. When they demanded Bori surrender himself, Tannis produced his detonator and said it was better to kill himself and everyone in the room, rather than lose. He clicked the activating switch and then looked blankly as nothing happened.
Roxie showed the detonator pin she had palmed. Tannis scowled as things clicked together. The struggle in the grav vehicle was a ruse. Roxie didn’t want control of the detonator, but only to disable it taking out the firing pin.
Bori launched himself at Tannis and the two men grappled, striking each other with heavy blows. Roxie calmly walked out asking her companions to join her and simply leave the two to sort things out. Once outside Roxie nonchalantly asked Hadrian to see his shaped charge detonator. Inserting the coded firing pin obtained from Tannis, she triggered the device, resulting in a muffled explosion heard from inside the compound.
As law enforcement approached, the scene was simple to explain. The group entered the compound to rescue Roxie using non-lethal force. Once cornered, Tannis chose to kill himself and his employer. Clearly something the local news would eat up as a cautionary tale. A local criminal lord falls in stature, convicted of his crimes, and his business dealings with bounty hunters led to an untimely demise. DNA tagging of bloody pulp corpses, along with the remains of the explosive vest and detonator Tannis possessed, would be enough to feed this narrative in the press weeks afterwards.
In the dizzying number of interviews Roxie gave days after the trial, she played up her performance given on the stand. Supplemented by official statements from the Imperium and Federation which would neither confirm nor deny the exact nature of the operation the Scalawag crew had participated in, all of this fed rumors and gossip surrounding the demise of Bori Trova. A trifecta of crime, violence, and secret government activities was just the fodder for public news media consumption.
Captain Dillon was free to describe the events that transpired on Onlanyt-7 to the group. The Invictus pursued and disabled a spacecraft attempting to leave the system. Boarding the small craft, they captured the Sathar agent on board. The alien was currently being interrogated at a secret facility and under study from each respective galactic government military intelligence agencies. The capture, study, and questioning of the alien will hopefully result in solid knowledge of the extent of the Sathar’s activities and influence in this part of the galaxy. However the knowledge the agent had divulged so far was fascinating.
Tina explained that the Sathar were an ancient race that had utilized concepts of uplifting alien species to sentiency. They used this process to enslave and subjugate nearly a dozen alien races, typically using their psychic powers to force their minion races to fight for them. The most successful of their subjects were the Rezolians that were the most vicious and effective species at achieving conquests for the Sathar. However a mutation in the Rezolians had made them resistant to the Sathar psychic suggestive powers, and they were able to overthrow their masters, nearly making the Sathar extinct.
Captain Dillon said that the Sathar intended to secure their power throughout the Imperium and Federation, and then use humans to strike back at the Rezolians. However any rapid advancement of technology which would accelerate the military power of humans before this could be achieved would doom the Sathar to forever be a minor race. Hence the discovery of additional jump space dimensions such as work from Dr. Brintt were at threat to the Sathar plans of dominance.
Of course a burning question among the group was the thought that the Sathar might be, or be descendants of, the mysterious ancient aliens that spread humanity and uplifted many Earth species throughout the galaxy. The Sathar agent boasted this was true, however Tina said this was a false claim. Other researchers have found archaeological and genetic evidence that the Sathar are an uplifted race of Earth origin, with similar DNA of terran reptiles. The Sathar very well may have been one of the first uplifted races which were able to assist their creators in traveling and seeding other worlds in the galaxy. However the progenitor aliens either mysteriously died off, disappeared, or met their demise from the Sathar. Tina said there was some evidence that the Sathar may have destroyed their creators and chose to emulate them in a twisted version, subjugating species they granted sentience to, rather than just letting those alien races blossom.
In the weeks afterwards on Blenavursai prime, Grand Dame Allistar informed the crew that both galactic governments agreed to issue clemency for any past activities. Pressure had been placed on Atlas megacorporation to release Rom from their private security facility as well (and Rom was rumored to be forming a multi-system, organized labor, mining movement). A modest payment to each of the crew was provided and the noble said this would be the extent of a reward which could be offered to the group. She said unfortunately the coffers from each respective government were bound to too much oversight and given the sensitive nature of the work with Sathar, it was deemed best to limit public knowledge of their existence for now. Because of the potential meddling the aliens had with government affairs, a slow roll out information about the Sathar, carefully managed to ease public panic would be required.
Vera wished them well. She said in passing they might find one last small token of her appreciation when they arrived on Onlanyt-7, but she had many other duties back in her system and had to take her leave. After a brief, brusque farewell the crew were unceremoniously dumped off at the starport with high passage, Onlanyt-7 tickets in their hands. Managing to retain a simple freighter for jump travel, the crew had nearly a month long, tedious, boring journey in space.
Landing on the thin atmosphere planet in the early hours, the group trudged back to where the Scalawag was in dock, dreading the weeks of repair ahead of them. The company were pleasantly surprised to see the ship refitted and repaired. Speaking with the starport ground crew they found out that an Imperium noble had arranged for materials and funding to restore the craft. Boarding the Scalawag, they discovered a thick envelope in the pilot’s seat. Inside were the ship’s mortgage papers indicating the outstanding balance paid in full along with a written note.
‘To the crew of the Scalawag. I hope this small gesture of appreciation is suitable. May your travels be free of worry and each system jump, full of opportunities. With admiration and thanks,
Grand Dame Vera Allistar’
The crew fired up the Scalawag’s engines, plotted a course, and jumped to new adventures.