The captain mumbled something about a low lottery and Tannis immediately shot him. He growled for the cryologs. A stammering technician produced them and for tense minutes Tannis pored over them. He threw the PDD to the first mate and said there was a backdoor on the cryologs. Obviously the tech was throwing the lottery for winnings, and even worse, would likely produce the logs as evidence against the crew whenever he mustered off ship. Tannis shot the technician and demanded to know more about this stranger in place of Deacon.
Tannis roughly got a DNA sample from Hadrian and ran a biometrics check through his database on known felons. Sure enough, Hardian was wanted for questioning by Omnidyne megacorporation regarding industrial espionage. Tannis told the first mate that the Attica would wait in deep space for a week. He needed time to return to Bori Trova and explain the situation, and hopefully leverage Hadrian’s warrant by Omnidyne for leniency in failing to secure the entire crew of the Scalawag.
His last order to the remaining crew was that no one be returned to the cryopods. The prisoners should remain locked in crew quarters until the ship would make it’s final jump to Blenavursai Prime. Tannis left abruptly and the group were detained in different ship's quarters.
Days past and the group sought a means to escape. Both Hadrian and Roxy were able to sway crew members to be more sympathetic to their situation. While Syn and Grog were able to get control of ship systems when released by the crew to help with emergency repairs. After nearly 4 days in deep space, they made their move and commandeered the ship, with the aid of one of Attica’s crew, Jan, a former merchant marine.
The group decided to return to the Prirmagarus system, but land on a remote planet. Attica’s crew, save for Jan, made the trip in low passage. They landed the old ship without incident paying unregistered docking fees at the sparse port.
Having proof of the crew handing them off to a bounty hunter instead of authorities, as well as evidence of running a deceitful low lottery gave them some leverage over Attica’s crew. Jan wanted away from her old crew and off the ship, while another of Attica’s crew, Tormis, was enamored by Roxy and sympathetic enough towards her to likely do something foolish for her.
But the Scalawag was still impounded on another planet in the system. Even worse, Tannis had now probably realized the Attica did not make the jump to the Blenavursai system and would likely be heading their way. At the worst, they’d have a week and a half before the dangerous bounty hunter would arrive in the system. With a measly 3,000 credits and a full tank of unrefined fuel, they contemplated their next move.