Friday, April 29, 2016

Communication within a system unlike interstellar communication is much more rapid. Combined with more powerful data transmission and capture technology, most systems utilize a network of communication nodes (comm nodes) throughout the system to boost data signals. Many of these comm nodes are unmanned, floating throughout regions of space within a system. However a few critical nexus points for communication may be operated by a small permanent staff. These larger nexus nodes could be part of a space station, situated on an asteroid, or other small planetary body.

The primary communication means that all planets in the galaxy use is the Universal System Information Network (USIN). This network employs powerful encryption and compressed data to quickly transmit messages throughout a system. Additionally, the message is routed through several comm nodes to scramble the location of the sender (as well as the recipient). While communication could be attained much faster, messages are routed and delayed so that both the sender and recipient have difficulty determining where the other party is. They simply know that they are speaking to someone within the star system, even though it might be actually be at a terminal in the next room.

Messages commonly take 30-45 minutes to be received, and this does make communication strained if needing a fast response. However USIN is secure. Less secure material can be transmitted through USIN more rapidly, but this data has a weaker encryption and no attempts are made to route through other network comm nodes. In emergencies, system governments utilize the high priority communication network that USIN provides. In fact delay in receiving messages through USIN in these cases is only due to distance. Roughly 30 AU would take approximately 45 minutes to travel using USIN, while closer distances would take considerably less time.

However the vast majority of users will communicate through typical USIN protocols, ensuring privacy with their correspondence, even if communication times take longer. Both parties can attain anonymity through USIN. No unencrypted data is stored on its networks, and once the message is received all data and data logs are purged from USIN networks. In fact the weakest security link is actually the machines that either user employs to access USIN. Hence, most covert operations revolve around obtaining the computer or PDU (personal data unit) that a person possesses, rather than trying to hack into USIN.

Some governments and espionage divisions do try to intercept USIN communication though. The most common means employed is to physically tap into the comm nodes floating in space. Messages are still encrypted and jumbled within vast amounts of other data. However armed with login codes and information obtained from a user (commonly lifted from their access computer), one could sift through the communication data and make an attempt at cracking the message encryption. This would take likely years though. Yet armed with more information from a user (such as login credentials and their message cipher key), tapping into a comm node could allow a party to possibly get needed information faster.

Because of this exceedingly remote security risk, some more totalitarian governments and megacorporations use their own versions called PUSIN (Private Universal System Information Network). These operate much like USIN however they route communication through their own space communication nodes. These nodes are typically manned stations within a system, ensuring no one attempts a space EVA to tap into their network node directly at that point. While it would take at best roughly a year to hack into such messages (provided the hacker had a plethora of information on a user), some projects and research from governments and megacorporations are so sensitive, they prefer to utilize PUSIN modes of communication.

Due to this increased security, USIN is the communication network of choice by citizens and governments of the galaxy. USIN is the communication standard for financial transactions, private citizen messaging, government channels of communication, even for criminal networks. It is the messaging system of choice for nearly all in the galaxy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

These corporations are simply staggering in size, and as such the organizations are so large that no one person can know everything which are central to their dealings at a given moment. The total shares of stock, annual profits, number of employees are all astronomical. Their brands, trade names, and service marks have come to be universally recognized throughout both the Imperium and Federation.

Many organizations are so large that different divisions of the same megacorporation may actually be working at cross purposes for brief periods. In most systems, megacorporations (or Megacorps) just make a footprint, typically owning only the land their installations are on. However in some sectors they control entire planets, either directly or indirectly.

Governance & Organization
Typically megacorporations use a hegemonic form (power structure) of governance. They are sometimes called "corporate technocracies" and use an oligarchic power source, generally composed of a board of directors. Exceptions to this common organization structure do exist.

Most megacorporations are organized very much like smaller companies, with a board of directors, a president, and vice presidents. However, the board and the higher-level executive officers of the company are largely out of contact with the day-to-day (or even year-to-year) functioning of the company. These upper level executives serve to plan general policy and long-distance actions.

The most important executives, in terms of personal power, are the various regional managers. A regional manager may control only a small portion of a megacorporation's total assets, but many hold more power in some regions than the representatives of the Imperial or Federal government.

Adherence to Laws
Provided they do not blatantly violate Imperial or Federation sovereignty, regional managers can usually conduct their company's business as they see fit. A small number of Imperial/Federation regulatory agencies have power over megacorporations, and these companies are subject to local taxes. A direct confrontation with either the Imperium or Federation would be bad for business, so intentional violation of Imperial/Federation laws is done only on a covert basis.

Number and Products
Only a very few commercial enterprises grow large enough to extend their activities to every corner of the Imperium and Federation. There are fourteen megacorporations within the known galaxy. It is difficult for a company to grow to the size of a megacorporation unless it has the protection of suitably-sized governments. For just about any product or technology all Megacorps are involved in their development, manufacture, and distribution. However typically four to six megacorporations are major competitors for any given particular product while others are (relatively) minor suppliers for that good.

The 14 megacorporations in known space are:
  • Anshin
  • Atlas
  • Corazza
  • Dahl
  • Eridian
  • Hyperion
  • Jakobs
  • Kisuton
  • Maliwan
  • Pangolin
  • Omnidyne
  • Tediore
  • Torgue
  • Vladof