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The crew split off each seeking to get some R&R and handle pressing tasks after being on the ship for several weeks. Roxie under the protective watch of Deke managed to find a supplier of Pancrosyth, but was only able to secure a two week supply. Grog began work on the ship, but the limited resources of the starport and extensive damage would impede quick repairs. Her estimate was that it would take roughly two weeks to make the Scalawag ship shape.
Being a Federation controlled system, aliens were more commonplace on the populated world. Grog found herself the object of attention from a pair of Yazarian Scout Service crew that were in the system for the week. Everyone else also enjoyed the forced downtime with Rom and Syn also getting to know the people of Prirmagarus better. Both of them got a better feel for local politics and understood that a major capital election was mere weeks away with it likely having a larger impact on the system as a whole.
Syn idly browsing USIN came across GENN, a celebrity entertainment network and found a shocking report. Roxie was in the news, even worse, their exploits on several systems were highlighted, including the shootout on Blenavursai Prime and their involvement in exposing the criminal activities of Bori Trova. Even more distressing was the angle of Roxie working with Rom, a reported industrial terrorist wanted by Atlas Megacorp.
Complications began to ramp up for the crew. Nearing the second week on Prirmagarus Prime, the cryosystems began to falter. They pulled the unconscious thug out of sleep. Deke using his medical expertise was able to maintain the man in an unconscious state within the medbay, but this was a temporary solution.
With Grog overseeing ship repairs (now simply occasionally confirming the status of automated repairs to structural damage), mounting repair bills, topping off with unrefined fuel, looming maintenance costs, as well as an encroaching second week of starport berthing fees, the group felt it time to seek out local employment. A USIN post asked for individuals that could conduct a break in to obtain sensitive data. Following up on the employment offer the crew met a popular local politician, Mason Pratoria. Well liked and a family man, the young gentleman had an established successful career in public service. He claimed that he was the victim of blackmail regarding some sensitive personal affairs but assured the crew it was nothing criminal. He suspected a rival of the same party which he had beaten in primaries earlier in the year was the person responsible.
His primary suspect was a young, driven, company owner, Phoebe Tameron. She was new to politics and known to simply not accept failure. Likely she had made it a personal vendetta to sink his career. He was unsure of where the blackmail material was, but suspected it at her private residence.
The crew did some preliminary recon of the woman’s home and found a well secure structure with surveillance and security from both protection droids as well as a pair of burly servants. The home itself was on a relatively expansive property in a restricted community. Not quite the easy smash and grab, the crew set about planning their break in and hopeful recovery of the wanted blackmail material.
One interesting event happened to the crew. They observed a multitude of the city population walking through the starport. After questioning the locals and some digging of information on local customs through USIN, they found that most residents practiced a religion that required they make a monthly pilgrimage to a holy site located on the starport grounds. Every three days they could expect nearly unrestricted access to the entire port as a multitude of people visited.